Writer’s Seminar Emulation

Emulation of George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars

For context, our group chose to emulate his style by using his design of planets, and then making our own, using the elements of climate, culture, and inhabitants as the bases of it.


Planet Name: Core

Inhabitants: None/ Extinct

Climate: Icy Wasteland

Culture: Unknown

This planet, once plated with a moon-like, crater filler surface and carved with small pockets, is now a frozen mess of crustaceans and shatter geodes, half of it being lost to an asteroid.

Initially, it appeared to be a dark, cloudy wasteland, with minimal life consisting of nothing more than withering lichens and the occasional fungi. However, beneath the surface lay an intricate tunnel system of caves, large bodies of water surrounded by crystals hidden out of sight, the area illuminated by the green and purple bioluminescent hues of the small ocean creatures and insect living there. With few to no openings to the surface, this small, damp paradise thrived, it’s inhabitants living within their own confines.

However, after thousand of orbit around its sun, Core was struck by a massive meteor that carved out and destroyed a fourth of the outer shell, opening up the pocket of life to the outside world, the underground oceans spilling out. Waves of creatures and shattered geodes washed out, delicately scattered through the pools of water that collect in craters, the caves having been demolished. Along with this, upon impact of the asteroid, the momentum of the planet was shifted, pushing Core out of it’s main orbit, and away from its central star. With this, the planet faced dramatic climate changes due to the shift in its gravitational axis and new orbital pattern, the littered ocean freezing over, and the once vibrant ecosystem wiped out. At the moment, the planet has reached a state of dormancy, with no evident life or activity.

Currently, search and research teams have been deployed to various locations across the small planet, in hopes of finding out more of the unknown history held on this planet. Evidence that has been collected thus far is facing mass retaliation from those from neighbouring planets, many who were unaware that it was anything more than rock. Plans for continued research and reliability of evidence on the planet and of the asteroid, as well as ownership of Core is still being discussed by members of the Planetary Union.

Further investigation is necessary, although it appears as though Core may quite literally be “frozen in time” for the next couple centuries.